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The Bonfire Effect:


     Where aspirational businesswomen are blazing a Path            from Personal Development to Professional Success! 

30 Oct 2023

101 Pakenham Street West, Auckland 

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Proudly brought to you by:

Bonita Nuttall

About Bonfire

Today, women's voices are still too often silenced or overlooked.


At Bonfire, we’re amplifying them!


At this women in business event, you'll meet other aspirational businesswomen who are on a journey of personal development that's fuelling their professional ascendancy.


Business Founders, Managers, Entrepreneurs, and Soloproneurs; you're a woman are on a mission to blaze a trail of impact, make a difference, and spread your wings to the next level of your epic journey!


We're talking about pioneers, determined and aspirational women in biz who know there's more to them, to their business and they want to move to the next level. 


Join us at the Bonfire, where you'll discover your authentic leadership identity and voice, uncover your leadership superpowers, and ignite your strengths so that you can soar through the last of 2023, into 2024!


You'll hear inspiring stories, get evidence-based strategies, practical tools, and fresh insights from remarkable women that will light a spark within you, and set you loose to take that leap you've been waiting for!


You'll leave feeling connected, energised and equipped to move from ASPIRATIONAL to ACHIEVEMENT!



Until 9 October 2023!


Investment only $349!


Join us at Bonfire! 


Date:  Monday 30 October 2023


Time:  10:30am - 3pm

3 - 4pm - Networking drinks


Investment:  $399

We get you, at Bonfire.

As an aspiring businesswomen, you want financial freedom.  You want to provide for your family, travel and be the success you know we can be.


And about that work/life balance!


You're on a journey of personal development, because you know that that's one of the biggest keys to your professional success (and all success!) 


You crave meaningful connection, but pioneering and growing a business can be isolating, and in a noisy world, you can oftentimes feel unseen or unheard.


We know that you know, you’ve got more potential, but perhaps you lack the energy and time to do anything about it. 


Spinning a million plates, you're sim trying to stay afloat to make it through to the end of the week, and year.

And it's October already!   (Wt???)

At Bonfire, we get you. And we've got you.



With the Bonfire Effect, we're helping aspirational businesswomen blaze a path to Professional Success, through Personal Transformation!  If that sounds like you, come and take a seat at Bonfire.

What it Involves?

5 Fantastic Speakers!


Networking lunch & Drinks


Bonfire Event:


  • Date: 30 October 2023

  • Time: 10:30am – 3pm + Networking

  • Venue: Grid AKL

  • Investment: $399 (Includes GST)


Expand your networks, and connect with like-minded women on a similar journey at our Networking Lunch and after event Networking Drinks!



Don't forget to grab your fabulous goody bag! 



Exclusive, VIP Dinner where you'll get to mingle with the Speakers, network with other amazing businesswomen and have a few good giggles from 6:30pm – 9pm!


Ticket Includes:


  • 2 x Course Dinner 

  • Glass of champagne upon arrival

  • Cash bar available for additional drinks

  • Ticket price:  $129



Book today, limited seats available!



At Bonfire, we’re driving positive, lasting change!



Are you ready to Turn Up the YOU, and make your life story the masterpiece it deserves to be?


Are you ready to claim your authentic voice to show up and lead with renewed purpose?


Are you ready to claim your brain, and equip yourself to create a new, abundant reality that’s bursting with infinite possibilities?


Are you ready to claim back your power and lift your life, your business and/or your leadership to the next level?


Maybe you feel you need to add some extra tools to that belt of yours, equipping you to lead with greater confidence and conviction?


Or perhaps you just need permission to show up and lead, unapologetically?

Whatever it is, you know you are ready to stop playing small, stop conforming to what others say you ‘should be’ doing and start leading authentically, with PURPOSE and INTENT.

Who's it for?

Aspirational women in business, Managers, Business Founders, Entrepreneurs, and Solopreneurs who are ready to level up how they’re showing up in the world. 


A SOLOPRENEUR wanting to elevate you, your life and your business into the next level

 You're a MANAGER currently in a leadership role or aspiring to be in leadership roles in the future

An ENTREPRENEUR wanting to step up in your business and get out of your own way

You're a WOMAN IN BUSINESS and you want to empower your journey by connecting authentically with like-minded individuals

It’s for WOMEN who want to blaze their own trail, in whatever colour, size and vibe that works for you. 

You're a WOMAN IN BUSINESS ready to learn, grow and succeed in life and/or business

The Countdown has Begun!!

The Speakers




Speaker | Mentor


Bonita Nuttall

Turn Up the YOU

International Inspirational Speaker. Former Investigative Journalist, TV presenter, pastor’s kid, gay woman. A coming-of-age Bonfire Story of coming out, and coming home to lead a more authentic, empowered life of passion, and purpose. 


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Rosie Overcomer

Former Gloriavale Resident

Rosie was a member of the Gloriavale cult community in NZ for 27 years. She left to be with her banished husband with their three small children and a fourth on the way. She shares her unbelievable Bonfire Story of how she escaped, her courageous journey to healing, and the extraordinary lessons, insights and personal discoveries she's had since. Be prepared to be moved, inspired and at times, left incredulous. 




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Speaker | Overcomer


Speaker | Executive Coach


Tenika Reihana

Self-Leadership Mindset Guru

Business Owner, Keynote Speaker and Wellbeing Coach, Tenika shares the hidden keys to unlocking our mind’s infinite potential and Leadership Superpowers.

From challenging childhood experiences, teenage self-destructive behaviours to travelling to over 20 and countries and getting knocked up to a stranger; Tenika will be sharing her Bonfire Story of a journey of resilience, courage and self-discovery.

You’ll be inspired to level up your self-leadership and start creating life you LOVE and DESERVE.


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Heather Hutchings

Energizing Business Dynamo

Not your typical coach, trainer, or speaker, Heather knows that managing your energy is the key to unlocking business excellence. Whether you're seeking effective leadership, tackling new challenges, or aiming for business brilliance, Heather's unwavering focus on energy management sets her apart.


Speaker |Coach



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Business Owner | Networker


Richard Foulkes

Next-Level Networking

Richard Foulkes is a recognized and awarded leader in the world of Business Networking. With nearly two decades of experience in Networking with the World’s largest Business networking organization and having built his own successful Software as Service business on the back of networking he will share the latest global trends and secrets to successful networking.


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October 30


Registration & Networking


Welcome and "Cracking the Networking Code"


Heather Hutchings: Energy Management


Tenika Reihana: Mastering Mindset


Lunch & Networking


Rosie Overcomer: Former Gloriavale


Panel Discussion: Expert Businesswomen Insights -


Sakula Costar - Influencer and Soloprenuer


Sally Duxfield - Entrepreneur, Founder, Experiential Architect


PLUS - one MYSTERY GUEST - to be announced!!


Bonita Nuttall: Turn Up the YOU!


Closing Remarks


Networking drinks





3 Things that make this Event Different


Inside-Out Approach

During your Bonfire experience you will gain access to parts of yourself you never knew existed.


Plus, through the journey our speakers will take you on, you will be left feeling empowered, equipped and energised to tackle the remainder of 2023 and finish strong!


Igniting Practical Change

At Bonfire, we're not just stoking the embers; we're igniting a movement of authentic connection, leadership development, and empowered inspiration that will leave you fired up, equipped and ready to conquer your world!


Meaningful Connections

Joining this most exciting women in leadership event, Bonfire, means you get to meet and share your story, build meaningful connections and be more visible in a non-judgmental, supportive, and empowering environment.

Our Expert Panel

Our panel of experts at Bonfire are going to share their secrets to success. Plus, learn from their challenges, be inspired by their achievements and get insider tips on how you can do the same!


First up, we have Sakula Costar, the dynamic and health-conscious influencer with a whopping 19,000 Instagram followers, a true solopreneur lighting up the wellness industry. Then, we're joined by the enigmatic, highly successful entrepreneur, Sally Duxfield who, with experience in the New Zealand defense force, brings a unique perspective on leadership and corporate training. And last but not least, we've got a mystery third expert whose identity is shrouded in secrecy, promising a dash of intrigue and excitement to our discussion. It's going to be a blazing hot panel you won't want to miss!

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The Venue

GridAKL /John Lysaght, StartUp hub


101 Pakenham Street West
Wynyard Quarter, Auckland, NZ

GridAKL is home to events designed to connect, inspire and inform the innovation, tech, growth and startup ecosystem in Auckland, such a fitting space for our Bonfire leaders!


Why Should you Attend Bonfire?

By attending Bonfire, you're investing in yourself. 


You'll gain insights and strategies that will save you time, boost your capabilities as a leader and business owner, and increase your overall happiness. 



A Harvard Business Review study shows that increasing authentic leadership in the workplace leads to:


Better relationships

Higher levels of trust

Greater productivity

Positive working environment


If you are a women who:


Sees value in ​networking and connecting with like-minded women

Is interested in up-skilling in personal and business leadership from research and evidence based practices.

Wants to be inspired to take empowered action toward your leadership goals

Enjoys learning while having a laugh or 3

Would like to eat a delicious lunch and enjoy a glass of bubbles (on a Monday, because, why not)

Are you ready to ignite your inner fire and set your final quarter of 2023 ablaze with success?



Then Bonfire ( the hottest event of the year🔥) is calling you!



Who Bonfire is NOT For: 


Bonfire is not for those who prefer to play it small, stay in their comfort zones, or who don’t want to change for the better.


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Finally, to add Fuel to the Bonfire

Bonfire is a rallying call for aspirational businesswomen to reflect, refocus, and reignite their passions as you approach the end of the year. 


It will empower you to step into the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, ready to make your life story the masterpiece it truly deserves to be.



The speakers will take you on a journey, leaving you feeling empowered, equipped and energised to:



Ignite Your Authentic Voice:  Find and connect with your authentic self.

Build Resilience: Overcome life's challenges.

Break Free from Stagnation:  When you feel stuck, find your way out.

Be Seen, Be Heard, Be You:  Unapologetically yourself.

Unlock Your Mind: Silence self-limiting beliefs.

Trust Your Inner Voice: How to tap into your powerful internal guidance system.

Expand Your Network:  With networking that works.

Connect Authentically:  Meet like-minded women.

Boost Innovation  and Creativity:  Get ready for groundbreaking ideas to flow.

Transform your Behaviour:  Using Neuroscience.

Enhance Health and Wellness:  Master your Energy.

Turn Up the YOU:  Lead with authenticity, confidence and purpose.

Boost Productivity:  Build strong relationships.

Unlock new potentials for 2024!

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What's your story?

Your story matters, and it’s time to love, or perhaps even start rewriting the narrative of your life, because you know that there’s more to you, more to your capabilities, and to your potential.


We’re here to support you to unleash and level up your leadership prowess, to amplify your voice, and to inspire you to Turn Up the YOU in all you do!


Bring your marshmallows, pull up a chair, and join us at Bonfire, where leaders are sparking ideas, stories, and connections - like never before.


🔥 Ignite Your Fire at Bonfire! 🔥


Get Your Ticket Today!

Get in Touch

Event at Grid AKL:

101 Pakenham St West, Wynyard Quarter, Auckland, New Zealand

+61 499 233 193

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Women in Leadership Event 2023




30 October 2023


101 Pakenham St West, Wynyard Quarter

Auckland, New Zealand


Women in Leadership Conference 2023

To learn more, don’t hesitate to get in touch

Thanks for submitting!

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